About the GSC Study
What is the GSC Survey?
The GSC Survey is a 45-minute online survey that was developed for the purpose of understanding the social and emotional health of gender diverse young adults.
Who is being recruited for this study?
Our survey team is currently recruiting gender diverse young adults between the ages of 18 and 25-years-old. Gender diversity encompasses a wide range of identities, including but not limited to binary trans, non-binary trans, genderqueer, and gender fluid people.
What are you studying?
Our team's goal is to understand the relationship between environmental context and mental health among gender diverse adults. The variables we are studying include environmental contexts such as exposure to discrimination, political environments, and social networks (i.e., the number, diversity, and general supportiveness of a person's close relationships).
If some questions make me uncomfortable, do I have to answer them?
You do not have to answer any questions you are not comfortable answering! We understand that some of the survey questions relate to very sensitive topics. We value any information you are willing to provide. If you have concerns about the survey, please feel free to email us at kchang26@ur.rochester.edu. The end of the survey also provides an opportunity to send us detailed feedback.
Who is on your research team?
Katy Chang, MA (she/her)

Katy is the lead researcher for the GSC survey. She is currently a PhD candidate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Rochester. As a queer woman of color, she is passionate about researching and treating health disparities among sexual and gender minority (SGM) people. In her free time, she enjoys reading queer fiction, helicopter parenting her house plants, and knitting.
Eli Nikiforova (they/them)

Eli Nikiforova is a senior at the University of Rochester, double majoring in Brain and Cognitive Science and Psychology. They work as a patient care technician on a psychiatric unit at Strong Memorial Hospital, and hope to become a nurse practitioner in the mental health field. Outside of academics, Eli loves going hiking, biking, camping, and spending time outdoors with friends. They also like cooking, crafting, and being a plant and cat parent.
Elizabeth Zhang (she/her)

Elizabeth Zhang is a senior at the University of Rochester majoring in psychology and minoring in music and ASL. She aspires to become a clinical researcher and psychologist who helps close ethnic and racial disparities in mental healthcare. Specifically, her main interests are working with LGBTQ+ BIPOC individuals and communities, of which she is a proud member. Outside of academics, she loves to read, watch movies, and adore cats.
Sailor White (they/them)

Sailor is a senior psychology undergraduate from Albany, New York. In addition to working in the lab, Sailor participates in the Honors Thesis Program and is working on an archival COVID-related research project. They are a member of Active Minds, a mental health advocacy group, and will be pursing graduate school next fall. Their research interests centre on the mental health disparities of sexual and gender minorities.