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PATHS Afterschool & Summer Program

PATHS is a therapeutic after-school and summer program geared toward children ages 3 to 11. PATHS aims to promote pro-social behaviors and emotional regulation. Our groups bring together children with a variety of life circumstances identified by the Monroe County Department of Human Services or other community partners. Offering this group format provides a range of social skills and positive role models. Children in the PATHS program come to our center twice a week (during the school year) or three times a week (during the summer). Students practice healthier choices in the safe environment of PATHS and are supported as they use these newly learned skills at home, in school, and within the community.

We accept referrals for this program through the Monroe County Department of Human Services or other community organizations.

Who is eligible: Children ages 3-11

Offered under: Monroe County Department of Human Services Preventive Unit Contracted Services

Click here for information about Clinical Internships in the PATHS Program

Clinical Director

Jody Todd Manly, PhD

Program Director

Meredith Russell


Special Thanks To Our Funders

The Monroe County Department of Human Services, the Wilson Foundation, and the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation.