FASD Diagnostic and Evaluation Clinic

Concerned Your Child Has Prenatal Alcohol Exposure?
Prenatal alcohol exposure affects up to two to five percent of the US population. Children and adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are faced with life-long learning and behavioral challenges.
However, with the appropriate supports, individuals with FASD have a good chance of leading happy, fulfilling lives. Without these supports someone with FASD is at high risk of mental health difficulties, trouble with the law, school disruption, and substance abuse.
Getting your child evaluated is a great first step to getting them the interventions support they need to be successful, as well as providing you with better information on how to support them.
Who We Are
The FASD Diagnostic and Evaluation Clinic is a multidisciplinary clinic created in partnership through Mt. Hope Family Center and Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at Golisano Children’s Hospital within the University of Rochester Medical Center. The clinic currently serves children and adolescents from infancy through age 16 years old. Services available include FASD diagnostic evaluations and neuropsychological assessments to aid in treatment planning.
Run by clinic directors, Christie Petrenko, PhD and Lynn Cole, MS, the FASD Diagnostic and Evaluation Clinic is the primary specialty diagnostic clinic for FASD in Central and Western New York.
Make a Diagnostic Appointment
Diagnostic appointments are available for children and adolescence between infancy and 16 years old. To get your child set up for their first appointment you’ll need to complete the ‘intake process’ which may look a little different depending on the child’s age.
This intake process is handled through the Golisano Children’s Hospital, who does have staff on hand if you need help filling out paperwork.