Fact Sheets on Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Research and Findings
What Should Legal Professionals Know About How Intimate Partner Violence Affects Children?
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This factsheet highlights information on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), how it affects children, and what legal professionals should know about the topic.
The Impact of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Postpartum Adversity on Children’s Development Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights information on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and considerations for therapists working with children with FASD and childhood adversity.
Mental and Physical Health Outcomes For Youth Facing Socioeconomic Disadvantage Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights the importance of studying health disparities in youth and the role socioeconomic status plays.
Fostering Resilience In Early Childhood Settings Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights the importance of teachers in early childhood settings recognizing and understanding early childhood maltreatment.
Child Maltreatment and Biological Outcomes Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights lessons learned from decades of science regarding child maltreatment. Here, you will learn how child abuse and neglect affects children’s biology and physical outcomes.
Child Maltreatment and Epigenetics Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights information about epigenetics and how maltreatment effects development by changing the ways genes are expressed and function. Included is an explanation of what epigenetic is, key terms, and current research findings.
Child Maltreatment and Relationships in Childhood Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights lessons learned from decades of science regarding child maltreatment. Here, you will learn how child abuse and neglect affects children’s relationships.
Child Maltreatment and Suicide
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
These fact sheets discuss the topic of child maltreatment and suicide for professionals in the field and caregivers.
For Health Care Workers and Child Serving Agencies
Child Maltreatment and the Science of Resilience Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights lessons learned from decades of science regarding child maltreatment. Here, you will learn how child abuse and neglect affects children’s resiliency.
Childhood Trauma and the Brain
Developed by the UK Trauma Council, London, England
What have scientists learned from studying the brain about the impact of traumatic experiences, like abuse and neglect? The Childhood Trauma and the Brain animation with the accompanying guidebook, videos and articles provides information from neuroscience research for frontline professionals and carers. Learn what neuroscience can tell us, the implications for practice, and the link between childhood trauma and mental health problems. View resource.
Child Trauma Toolkit for Educators
Developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
This toolkit provides school administrators, teachers, staff, and concerned parents with basic information about working with traumatized children in the school system.
Published in 2008 by NCTSN.
Visit their website for more valuable resources:
Community of Practice Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights Communities of Practice (CoP). Here, you will learn how CoPs can help bridge professionals across sectors and geographic areas who share the common goal of preventing, screening, and treating child maltreatment while improving outcomes for youth who have experienced maltreatment.
Click to View Community of Practice Fact Sheet References, Resources, and Examples
Fostering Resilience In Schools
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet explores ways that educators can help foster and promote resilience in students.
Ghosts & Angels in the Nursery: How Does Child Maltreatment Influence Caregiving in the Next Generation? Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights how parents are affected by their maltreatment histories, how it impacts their parenting, and resources parents can use to break the cycle of maltreatment.
How Firearm Injury Impacts American Children’s Biopsychosocial Health
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet outlines both the acute and long-term impacts of firearm prevalence on children and their health.
Improving The Mental, Behavioral And Emotional Health For Kids In The Child Welfare System
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights the impact of involvement in the child welfare system on youth’s mental, emotional, and behavioral health. We also suggest ways to improve mental, emotional and behavioral health for kids involved with the child welfare system.
Parenting Interventions to Help Maltreated Children Succeed Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights lessons learned from decades of science regarding child maltreatment. Here, you will learn about interventions that can help improve children’s relationships with their caregivers as well as their physical outcomes.
Positive Childhood Experiences: Opportunities for Resilience in the Context of Adversity Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights types of positive childhood experiences, why they matter, and ways healthcare and service providers can promote positive experiences for children and their families.
Prevention of Interpersonal Violence (IPV) Across the Lifespan: The Role of Pediatricians
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet details ways pediatricians can reduce IPV through early intervention.
Promoting Positive Parenting: Perinatal Child-Parent Psychotherapy and Its Impacts Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights Perinatal Child-Parent Psychotherapy (P-CPP), how it can be utilized to help mothers in the perinatal and post-partum period, and includes an overview of TRANSFORM Center’s Project PROMISE that examines the effectiveness of P-CPP in community home visitations.
The Overrepresentation of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the Child Welfare System
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet discusses an overview of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (PAE), FASD in the child welfare system, and what can be done to help children who experience FASD.
Transform Research Center Fact Sheet
Developed by the TRANSFORM Center
This fact sheet highlights a brief overview about the Transform Research Center. Here, you will learn about the Center’s areas of focus, purposes, and goals in our efforts to prevent child maltreatment.