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Sustaining Change

All trainings offered by Sustaining Change can be delivered in person, via Zoom, or in a hybrid format. For some training offerings, we recommend in person given the content matter and activities during the training.

Our team aims to deliver training that is culturally informed and adaptable to the audience. We are able to provide accommodations as needed and will work alongside your team to ensure the delivery format and content materials are accessible for your team.

Please note, some of our training offerings may have a capacity of trainees. Please inquire and we can discuss all possibilities.

For training questions, please contact Aya Cohen at

IPV Training

This is a six-hour, evidence-based training consists of providing current information on domestic violence (DV) with a focus on interpersonal violence (IPV). Information includes:

  • Definitions of IPV and DV
  • How to use the Power and Control Wheel and the Danger Assessment Questionnaire
  • Differences and similarities between differing gender identifications and IPV
  • Interview techniques
  • Community resources
  • Legalities of IPV in your given state

With this information, participants expand upon their knowledge and practices relating to IPV through visual representations, presentations, as well as role-play interviewing to assist with learning.

This training is beneficial for individuals who have regular interactions and/or work with individuals experiencing DV and IPV, and for those who would like to know how to approach such situations and respond effectively. There are no degree-specific requirements.

In-person preferred due to the hands-on group work.

General Trauma Training

This training can range from one hour to six hours, depending on the needs of your group, and focuses on trauma and the impact of trauma exposure.

Information can include the following:

  • What trauma is
  • Various types of trauma
  • How early childhood trauma impacts brain development, learning, and early social/emotional development
  • Trauma-responsive care
  • Fostering resilience

We provide strategies to assist children, as well as a focus on the importance of self-care for those working daily with traumatized children. We use PowerPoint slides to complement small group break-out sessions, as well as video clips to highlight specific topics throughout the presentation. There will be ample time for participants to ask questions relating to specific concerns in working with children and families exposed to trauma. Specific training focus topics can be discussed.

Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) Training

This training can range from one hour to six hours, depending on your group’s needs, and focuses on the impact of stress and trauma on providers.

Information can include the following:

  • Definitions of STS, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction
  • Signs of STS
  • Assessment of STS
  • Self-care and shared supports for wellness
  • Strategies for building a more resilient organization and workforce

We use PowerPoint slides with an opportunity for small group break-out sessions. We plan for ample time and host the training in an interactive space.

Supervision Training

This training can range from one to three hours or can be offered in a 12-month learning collaborative format.

Information can include the following:

  • What supervision is
  • Components of supervision
  • The various roles of a supervision
  • Types and styles of supervision
  • Essential elements of reflective supervision

We use PowerPoint slides with an opportunity for small and large group discussion. We will reflect on strategies and best practices to build reflective practice and capacity and ponder when to reflect and teach within supervision.

Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) Learning Collaborative

A CPP Implementation level course involves 18-months of training with three face-to-face or virtual learning sessions and twice monthly phone, video or in person consultation. This training for the evidence-based intervention of CPP occurs through a learning collaborative (LC) that meets the standard for a CPP Implementation Level Course. The LC model is the dissemination strategy used by the NCTSN to support uptake of best practices across a range of service systems and settings.

The first learning sessions include information on:

  • Attachment
  • Child development
  • Adult development
  • Trauma
  • Cultural influences
  • The structure and interventions of the model

The second and third learning sessions include information on trauma narrative, intervention, and discharge.

This training consists of multi-modal learning, such as PowerPoints, small and large group activities and discussion, videos, and reflective practice. This training is offered to individuals working towards degrees or who have degrees in the fields of psychology, social work, mental health therapy, and the like.

For more information Child Parent Psychotherapy website.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Adolescents (IPT-A) Learning Collaborative

This training includes an initial full two-day training, followed by bi-weekly virtual case consultation calls for an approximately six-month time frame. We offer an introduction to IPT-A, an evidenced-based model of therapy for adolescents dealing with depression, and the main goal of the intervention is to alleviate symptoms and enhance an adolescent’s social support network.

Dr. Mufson developed IPT-A, which is an excellent practice addition for clinicians of many different fields (e.g., social workers, counselors, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, and other mental health professionals). This training also includes information on:

  • Depression
  • Cultural influences
  • Adolescent development
  • Trauma informed care

The training can be tailored for individual practitioners and/or agencies looking to train their whole staff in this intervention. Training occurs through an IPT-A learning collaborative (LC) approach offers an intensive focus on learning-by-doing and allows participants to practice and strengthen their IPT-A skills. One method is to help participants conceptualize treatment through case presentations and reflections throughout the training period. Participants learn IPT-A basic principles and the main objectives of each intervention phase (i.e., initial, middle, and termination).

This training is offered to individuals working towards degrees or who have degrees in the fields of psychology, social work, mental health therapy, and the like.

Leadership Forum

Introducing evidence-based therapeutic (EBT) approaches to address trauma can place a stress on organizations and providers. Leaders play a pivotal role in ensuring EBT are implemented after successful training, interdisciplinary case conferencing, and require evaluations to assess progress. Leaders may need a space to share the challenges and facilitators they experience with implementing EBT.

In partnership with SAMHSA funded Sustaining Change, Mt. Hope Family Center, and the Susan B. Anthony Center at the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, we are offering a leadership program to help you introduce EBT to address trauma in your clients’ lives. This course is free to participants and includes the presenter’s travel for a limited number of sites.


Request a Training

For training inquiries, please contact Aya Cohen at