Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
How to prevent child sexual abuse
Listen to Jennie Noll’s tips for parents on how to protect their children. A psychology professor at the University of Rochester and the executive director of Mt. Hope Family Center, Noll is an expert on preventing childhood sexual abuse.
What is Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)?
- Child Sexual Abuse can be defined as any type of sexual activity involving a child. This can include physical contact such as fondling and rape. However, CSA also encompasses non-contact forms of abuse such as exposing oneself to a child, showing a child sexual content, and photographing a child in explicit positions.
- CSA is also defined by coercion and secrecy. Over 90% of perpetrators are known and trusted by the child and their family.
- While many predators know the child they target in real life, predators are also increasingly grooming children online via social media.
What is CSA’s impact?
- The CDC estimates that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 20 boys experience some type of sexual abuse before the age of 18. However, these figures are likely much higher as many cases go unreported.
- Child Sexual Abuse is a serious public health problem that can have severe physical and mental health consequences such as increased risk for heart disease, obesity, cancer, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance use disorders.
- In 2015, the total lifetime economic burden of child sexual abuse was estimated to be at least $9.3 billion.
Know the signs
CSA can be difficult to spot. It is important that you are able to identify both physical and behavioral markers that may indicate sexual abuse.
Physical signs
- Bleeding, bruises or swelling in the genital or anal regions
- Bruises on roof of mouth
- Bloody, torn or stained underclothes
- Difficulty walking or standing
- Frequent urinary or yeast infections
- Pain, itching or burning in the genital area
Behavioral signs
- Secrecy around devices and online habits
- Sudden changes in internet use, such as using devices late at night, at increased frequency, or only in private
- Changes in hygiene- either refusing to bathe or bathing excessively
- Sexual knowledge or behaviors that are not developmentally appropriate
- Nightmares or bed-wetting
- Trouble in school
- Unusually withdrawn or aggressive
- Overly protective and concerned for siblings, potentially assuming a caretaker role
- Returns to regressive behaviors, like thumb sucking
- Runs away from home or school
- Receives special attention from an adult or older peer – such as gifts, one-on-one practices, excessive compliments
- Suddenly loses interest in an activity or expresses not wanting to see an individual
This is nowhere near an exhaustive list. Every child may react differently. What is most important is that you are listening to your child and noticing if any of these concerns come up.
How to talk to your child:
Your strongest line of defense for protecting your child from sexual abuse is an open and trusting relationship. An open line of communication with your child enables them to come to you for guidance before something serious happens.
When sexual topics come up with your child:
- Be open and receptive to their questions and concerns
- Provide truthful and accurate information about sex, relationships, and online safety
- Assure them that you will always be there to support them, answer their questions, and believe them
Teaching your child about sex isn’t just about “The Talk” or one big overwhelming conversation. Taking everyday opportunities to teach children about their bodies, boundaries, and relationships can help keep your child safe. You should also strive to have regular and open conversations about their internet use and online safety.
Other practical steps you can take to protect your child from sexual abuse include:
- Teach your child accurate anatomical names for body parts, including their genitals
- Learn to identify the difference between developmentally appropriate curiosity and concerning behaviors
- Teach your child about consent and how to enforce their boundaries when they feel uncomfortable
- Learn what signs of grooming behaviors look like, trust your gut, and intervene to protect your child when necessary
- Model healthy internet use and moderation
- Talk openly to your child about how they use the internet and set reasonable, appropriate limits regarding excessive use and monitoring
- Screen babysitters and other people who have close contact with your child using background checks, references, and interviews
- Keep tabs on your child’s online activity and watch out for signs of secrecy or changes in how your child uses their phone and other devices
- Create a Family Safety Plan
What if my child discloses that they have been sexually abused?
Understand that children may often disclose indirectly to “test the waters” such as through only telling part of the story, pretending the experience happened to someone else, or asking indirect questions.
If a child discloses child sexual abuse to you:
- Thank them for telling you
- Tell them it’s not their fault, you believe them, and you will get them help
- React calmly, listen, be supportive
- Do NOT ask leading questions, blame the child, or lose control of your emotions
After reporting to your local authorities, contact your local Child Advocacy Center for support.
Child Advocacy Centers:
- Are child-friendly, trauma-informed resource centers where a professional, multidisciplinary team can get your child help
- Reduce the number of interviews sexually abused children must undergo
- Can provide specialized medical evaluation and treatment
Find a local Child Advocacy Center near you at nationalchildrensalliance.org
or call 1-800-239-9950
Learn more
Links to national resources:
- National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
- NetSmartz: Resource for Online Safety and Preventing Online Child Sexual Exploitation
- If you discover Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) or believe that inappropriate images of your child may be online, report it to CyberTipline.org
- Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN)
- Child Advocacy Centers: nationalchildrensalliance.org
- Darkness to Light Helpline: 1-866-FOR-LIGHT and Crisis textline: Text “LIGHT” to 741741
- Free, confidential support from Stop It Now!
- National Traumatic Stress Network Resources on Child Sexual Abuse
- 1in6 offers support for male survivors
- Find more compiled resources from Enough Abuse
Learn more about the science and how we are using research to stop child sexual abuse from previous publications:
- Noll, J.G., Felt, J., Russotti, J., Guastaferro, K., Day, S., Fisher, Z. (2025). Population-level reductions in child sexual abuse valid and invalid cases after a three-year coordinated, community-wide prevention initiative: Results from a synthetic control analysis. JAMA Pediatrics.
- Guastaferro, K., Shipe, S. L., Connell, C. M., Letourneau, E. J., & Noll, J. G. (2023). Implementation of a universal school-based child sexual abuse prevention program: a longitudinal cohort study. Journal of interpersonal violence, 08862605231158765.
- Guastaferro, K., Felt, J. M., Font, S. A., Connell, C. M., Miyamoto, S., Zadzora, K. M., & Noll, J. G. (2022). Parent-focused sexual abuse prevention: Results from a cluster randomized trial. Child maltreatment, 27(1), 114-125.
- Noll, J.G., Haag, A.C., Kouril, M., Shenk, C.E., Wright, M.F., Barnes, J.E., Kohram, M., Malgaroli, M, Foley, D.J., & Bonanno, G.A. (2022). An observational study of Internet behaviors for adolescent females following sexual abuse. Nature Human Behaviour. doi: 10.1038/s41562-021-01187-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34580439.
- Noll, J.G. (2021). Child sexual abuse as a unique risk factor for the development of psychopathology: the compounded convergence of mechanisms. Annual review of clinical psychology, 17, 439-464.
- Noll, J.G., Shenk, C. E., Barnes, J. E., & Haralson, K. J. (2013). Association of maltreatment with high-risk internet behaviors and offline encounters. Pediatrics, 131(2) e510-e517. PMID: 23319522 PMCID: PMC3557406. doi:10.1542/peds.2012-1281