Resources & Training
Mt. Hope Family Center has experience in providing training, consultation, and resources across a range of topics and audience types. These training opportunities may take the form of single workshops or more extended professional development over time. We also are available to provide behavioral health consultation. Here are some possible training options that may be available, depending on need, funding, and staff availability.
- Child-parent psychotherapy
- Interpersonal psychotherapy
- The effects of trauma on children’s development
- Child maltreatment
- The effects of domestic violence on children’s development
- Maternal depression
- Adolescent depression
- Grief and loss
- Attachment relationships
- Developmental issues impacting children in foster care
- Children’s social and emotional development
- Preventive and intervention approaches, evidence-based psychotherapy for children
- Building Healthy Children
- Inspiring Possibilities for Teens
- Military families impacted by stress, trauma, and loss
- Supervision and supervisory practices
- Maltreatment classification system
- Research on child maltreatment
- Developmental psychopathology
- Treatment evaluation studies/translational research:
- Child-parent psychotherapy evaluation
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)
- Maternal depression, implications for development and treatment
For more information please contact Aya Cohen at (585) 275-2991 or