Building Healthy Children
The Building Healthy Children (BHC) program provides home-based support services for women who were 21 or younger when their first child was born OR who are in their second or third trimester of pregnancy. Families can have no more than three children, with the oldest child being under age five. Based on family interest, a pair of family support providers can offer assistance with transportation, obtaining safe housing, employment and educational goals. Providers also offer support with information on parenting and child development, parent-child relationships and counseling services. In addition to these services, monthly family events are held to meet other young mothers and do fun activities with their child(ren). Families can be involved in BHC until their child turns three years old.
Our goal is to increase and encourage positive parent-child relationships with healthy child development. Over the past 10 years, the program has demonstrated many positive results and has shown that this combination of services is successful in helping families work on and achieve their goals. Staff appreciate the opportunity and the honor to partner with our mothers inĀ building healthy children.
If interested in participating or learning more about BHC, please call Jessica Luciano-Bath at (585) 275-2991, extension 213.
Site Program Directors
Robin J. Sturm, EdD, Mt. Hope Family Center
Jessica Luciano-Bath, LMSW, Strong Pediatrics and Social Work
Staci Caron, LMSW, Strong Pediatrics and Social Work
Agency Directors
Jennie Noll, PhD, Mt. Hope Family Center
Jody Manly, PhD, Mt. Hope Family Center
Mardy Sandler, LMSW, Strong Pediatrics and Social Work
Special Thanks to Our Funders
The United Way of Greater Rochester and the Monroe County Department of Human Services.