Jeremy Jamieson
Curriculum Vitae
___I grew up in the Boston, MA area, and received my B.A. in psychology from Colby College (Waterville, ME) and my Ph.D. in social psychology from Northeastern University (Boston, MA). After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA), I joined the faculty at the University of Rochester in 2012.
___Like most native Bostonians I am an avid sports fan. When I am not trying to keep up with my son or attempting to stay active by running, kayaking, or playing various quasi-organized sports, I revel in following the Red Sox, Patriots, and Bruins as well as indoctrinating my son into Boston sports fandom.
___Not surprisingly given the name of the lab, I am interested in studying how stress affects emotions, decisions, and performance.
Postdoctoral Fellows
Jenny Roche
Graduate Students
Brett Peters
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
My primary research interest is exploring the relations between emotion, emotion regulation, and stress in dyadic relationships, especially romantic relationships. Stress and emotions are a pervasive part of our lives that can have a substantial impact on cognition, behavior, and health.
Emily Greenwood
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
I am interested in optimizing academic motivation and achievement. Specifically, I study how people perform under social-evaluative stress, in competitive contexts, and while holding specific motivational goals.