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Study Participation

Project FLIGHT 2.0

Families Learning Interacting Growing Healthy Together

Project FLIGHT is a multi-method study focused on identifying how conflict between parents spills over to influence interactions within the parent-child relationship. The project will follow 250 families with a three year old child over the course of a three year period, in hopes of better understanding the impact of interparental conflict on parenting styles. Using self-reports, interparental problem-solving tasks, parent-child interaction tasks, and neurobiological assessments, Project FLIGHT plans to:

  • Examine whether parent’s neurobiological responses to stress during arguments impact parent-child interactions.
  • Identify how positive aspects of the interparental relationship may serve as an explanation for spillover to the parent-child relationship.
  • Explore how parents handle conflict among themselves, and how they interact with their child as a result potential spillover.

The primary goal of our research is to determine how and why interparental conflict affects parenting skills, thus ultimately impacting the parent-child system. Understanding why this happens may lead to new interventions for helping families who experience these problems.

For more information regarding this study, please contact Elisa de la Fuente at (585) 275-2991 ext. 302.

Project THRIVE

Teamwork and Happiness In Relationships & Its Intergenerational Value & Effectiveness

Project THRIVE is a multi-method study that will test a new integrative process model of constructive interparental conflict (IPC) and its implications for children’s mental health. The project will follow 250 four-year-old children and their parents over three years.

The purpose of the project is to see whether prospective associations between constructive IPC and children’s psychological adjustment are influenced by their:

  • Preferences in attention to different negative and positive emotional displays;
  • Increases in social-cognitive understanding as identified through emotion knowledge and social problem-solving abilities; and
  • Greater emotion regulation

The goal of this research is to understand which children may benefit the most in this supportive environment and why.

For more information regarding this study, please contact Meera Patel at (585) 275-2991 ext. 195.

Project FMF-Connect

Families Moving Forward – Connect

Most families raising children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) have difficulty finding appropriate services. A major reason for this is that there are not enough providers who are knowledgeable about FASD. Another challenge is that the few services available tend to be only in large urban areas. This is very stressful for families.

The goal of the FMF Connect project is to increase access to FASD-informed care. We are approaching this problem by developing a new mobile health (mHealth) intervention for caregivers raising children with FASD. Through an app on their smartphones, caregivers will be able to access information and tools that can help them learn new skills to manage their children’s behavior. They will also be able to connect with other caregivers for support and to share ideas. The app, called “FMF Connect,” is based on the scientifically validated Families Moving Forward (FMF) Program.

This project is enrolling parents and caregivers from all over the United States to test the FMF Connect app.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our website at  You can also contact our study coordinator Alicia Roth at (585) 275-2991 ext. 334 or email

FASD Research Registry

Are you interested in participating in future research studies on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)?

Our research interests include:

  • Testing new treatments for children and adults with FASD
  • What supports and services are most helpful for families
  • How prenatal alcohol exposure affects learning and behavior
  • And more!!

By joining our secure research registry, we can contact you when we have new studies available. You can then decide if you or your family want to participate in that study.

Join our FASD Research Registry!

For more information, call us at: (585) 275-2991 ext. 190

Family Health Study

Investigating the long-term and multigenerational impact of child abuse and neglect on heath

This study is recruiting individuals who have previously participated in the Adult Health Study at Mt. Hope Family Center and up to three of their children (aged 5-15).  This study is a follow-up of the Adult Health Study, so no new participants are being recruited. If you believe you may be eligible based on your participation in the Adult Health Study or would like additional information, please contact us.

For more information regarding this study, please contact the Family Health Study team at (585) 275-2991 ext. 287.